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- All new karate ka's start here

8th Kyu

- this is your first graded belt it is white with a yellow stripe.

7th kyu

- this is your second graded belt and is yellow.

6th kyu

- this is your third graded belt and is orange.

5th kyu

- this is your fourth graded belt and is green.

4th kyu

- this is your fifth graded belt and is purple.

3rd kyu

- this is your six graded belt and is brown.

2nd kyu

- this is your seventh graded belt and is brown.

1st kyu

- this is your eigth graded belt it is brown with a white stripe.
After this your next grade or belt is 1st Dan (black belt). Some people believe that when this is achieved you have reached the maximum level but it is merely the start of your karate journey, all this means is that you have passed the basic training of the art and you can now begin to learn what the art is all about and open your mind to another level. You can continue to grade inside Higashi gaining upto 4th Dan status, after this period you then earn higher rankings through dedication, teaching, representing the association and the art at international level.
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